
Showing posts from July, 2020

Letter to Hell

July 8, 2020 Hello, hell. It’s nice to meet you, and I know that we will become better acquainted, whether I like it or not. If you really are Hell, then my fears are easily accessible to you. You will know the things that scare me, be able to describe them, and be able to visualize them in a way that I simply cannot. I suppose that I could try asking for mercy from you, but I doubt that would work. My prayers are far more likely to simply bounce off your ears than anything, because mythology is rather consistent in that hell isn’t supposed to be enjoyable. It’s supposed to be hard. In that way, hell shares a similarity to life because it isn’t supposed to be easy. Surviving both you and life takes a certain combination of something. Grit and preparation, hope and optimism. The balance is tricky. The exact formula you require, Hell, I don’t know.