
Showing posts from September, 2020

Tired of Leaving

 September 12, 2020 I’m tired of seeing things be lost to this year. Days, experiences, entire months lost to something that I would do anything to be able to erase. I’m going to lose more. The senior prom, three months of my experience, my graduation. After each one, I wanted to think that things couldn’t get any worse. This started in March. Now, it’s September, and my birthday is in only a few weeks. I’m not sure what I can even lose now. Everything that I wanted to experience over these past months has been already taken from me. 

Promises Broken

 September 3, 2020 Saying something and then following up with it are two very different things. I didn’t fully know that until today. Promises are just words; saying them doesn’t mean a thing. It’s following up that promise with an action that means something to people. Saying that you stand for something just to save face isn’t going to work. Your lie is cheap, flimsy plastic wrap trying to protect the fruit inside. It won’t work. Making a promise to value someone is disgusting. Saying you’re going to take care of them and then only using them for your own purposes? That’s worse.  Circus animals and human beings aren’t the same species, but they have more things in common than one might think.  Especially knowing how it feels to be simultaneously imprisoned and free.