Each Day
January 7, 2020 Each day starts the same now. I wake up, trying to figure out what is happening and where I am, as my brain wakes up slowly. My brain wakes up slower than my physical body; I lay in bed, trying to force my thoughts into a line. It’s lounging in bed for a little while, followed by forcing myself out of bed and to get ready for my day. I would rather just talk online... talk to my best friend ... but I can’t get ready just by sitting in bed. The knowledge that I can keep talking to her later is what drives me to get dressed and eat breakfast. We try and talk as much as we can. I don’t think it’s an obsession; I think it’s a real, deep connection. We were talking yesterday afternoon, just like most days. I had a web browser open in the background, shifting through things and answering roleplays. I saw the news article between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, while we were talking, but I didn’t process it. I thought people were just being over dramatic, because po...