Dusty Fields
One thing about living in the middle of nowhere is that the people who come to see you are from far away. They show up in droves when the air turns just cold enough for laughter to break out, instead of wilting in the summer heat. They stand by the apple trees with plastic bags in their hands, lifting up children on their backs to get the best apples from high branches. Ruby ducks under one of the Pink Lady trees, cupping a dropped apple in her small hands. It has a bruise from the fall. Rubbing it against the patch on her jeans to get the shine just right, she climbs out from under the tree. A family of four stands a few trees down, laughing as the younger child grasps an apple in his hand before turning to show off his prize. A lot of the people who come to the farm are like this. They bring their families, making more people than she’s seen all year. Ruby watches some of these children before she keeps running diagonally along the ground scented with apples, arrivi...