Locked Away

April 07, 2020

Not all prisons are literal. Some are made by circumstance, and others are made by someone else rolling the dice. Still other prisons are made by the passing of countless hours, an infinite amount of sand grains piling up on top of one another. Apart, they mean nothing. Together, they can turn the world over.
This particular prison is none of those. It's like a hurricane or tornado shelter; a space designed to keep us safe that has turned into a way to keep us locked away. Oh, this prison didn't start out like that; they never do. It's started as a way to keep its inhabitants safe, and isn't as bad as fear makes us believe. I didn't realize that before. There was a film over my eyes, preventing me from seeing too closely.
Taking a closer look, I can find the simple joys in being locked away. Moments with family are all the more distinctive against a background of sadness and fear. It's cheesy, but still true. A pleasant spring walk is just what I need for a reminder. A reminder of what, I can't quite describe. It may simply be a reminder of this:
Someday, I will no longer be locked away.


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